A friend of mine had on a necklace that resembled tatting. The more I looked at it the more I was sure that I could reproduce a very close likeness to it. Here is the result. I used an edging from an old tatting book that I had copied off another blog and made a few changes to it. I am very pleased with the results!!! I am also very excited about an opportunity for me to sell some of my tatting at a local consignment shop for crafts. The lady who operates the store told my mom that they had someone who was actually looking for tatting!! Now I have a long list of ideas that I want to tat up and try to sell,my only problem is I am not good at prices. I always sell for way less than I should :( I am thinking that necklaces, earrings, and baby bonnets made from a handkerchief would be my best sellers. If anyone has any other suggestions I would love to hear them. Of course bookmarks and just little appliques also.